About Dr. Sunil Moti Lala

Dr. Sunil Moti Lala is an Advocate & qualified Chartered Accountant practicing as a tax counsel having over 30 years of experience in the field of Taxation.
Has been awarded the Ph.D. (Doctorate of Philosophy) Degree from the Mumbai University for the Thesis on “International Taxation and Transfer Pricing with reference to Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), General Anti Avoidance Rule (GAAR) and Other Critical Issues in the Global Arena”.
Acquired training in the Chambers of Mr. Dinesh Vyas, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Mr. V H Patil, Advocate, Supreme Court of India and Mr. Nihal Dalvi, Advocate
Practiced as a Tax Counsel before the Honorable Bombay High Court and the Tribunal for 14 years
Joined PWC as a Partner in 2007 and headed the litigation practice for Western India
Joined KPMG as a Partner in 2010 and led the Tax Dispute Resolutions practice of KPMG
Co-founded Advaita Legal Attorneys & Advocates in 2013 and was a Partner and National Head – Tax Litigation & Controversies (Direct taxes)
Resumed Counsel Practice at SML tax chamber in the year 2015
Sunil’s work profile over the last two decades essentially involved(a) Representation services before

High Courts
Authority for Advance Rulings (AAR)
Settlement Commission
DRP / Commissioner (Appeals)

(b) Advising on Litigation strategy

(c) Drafting of Appeals, Petitions, Applications etc.

(d) Rendering Legal opinions

Sunil has been recognized as one of the Tax Controversy Leaders in India by International Tax Review for the last 10 consecutive years
Sunil has been an office bearer / member of managing committee in various professional organisations such as ITAT Bar Association, International Fiscal Association (IFA), All India Federation of Tax Practitioners (AIFTP) and Chamber of Tax Consultants (CTC) globerx24.com/bactrim/
Sunil has contributed articles in various professional journals and financial newspapers and has also given several presentations/papers in seminars organised by various professional bodies

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